Want to come play foosball?
We play on Tuesday and Thursday nights every week, and hold a Saturday tournament once a month. Events are usually held at California Billiards.
Tuesday, 7-11pm: Monster Tournament
Monster Draw Your Partner Tournaments are casual and fun for everyone from beginners to pros. We open the tables at 7 pm, and run the tournament from 8-11pm. During the tournament you get a new partner each round, collecting points when you win or tie a match. Sometimes we’ll start playoffs at 10pm, where the top 8 players face off to determine the overall winner. We charge a $5 table fee and put the tables on open play. The tournament has a $10 entry fee, which is returned to the top players as prizes at the end of the night. Entry is free for first timers.
Thursdays, 8-10pm: Beginner League
One hour practicing and coaching, and one hour of game play. We’re running this every Thursday from Sept 9, 2021 to Oct 28, 2021. We charge a $5 table fee, and put the tables on open play. There is $10 one-time registration fee for the season.
Monthly Saturdays: Double Headers
Once a month we hold a singles tournament and a doubles tournament at California Billiards. These tournaments are more competitive than Tuesday nights. You can bring a partner if you want, or you can take advantage of the Shake-n-Bake advantage and draw a partner.
The Bayfoos Calendar is up-to-date. Reach out to us at bayfoos@gmail.com or at the SF Foos Facebook group.
Safety precautions: Masks and contact tracing information required. We comply with all county health regulations and do our best to keep each other safe.