Keeping Warm in the Bay Area Winter

We’re playing foosball every Tuesday night! We’ve got two weekend tournaments planned. And some Bay Area foosers are helping out with the Stadium giant foosball table exhibit at SF MoMA.

On Tuesday nights, tables are open for free play from 7-8pm, and then we run a Monster Draw from 8-11pm. If you’re not sure if you’ll have a good time at the tournament, come out and play some pick-up games and let us know what you think. Our top goal is growing the foosball community, and we love helping players developer their game.

First timers are free, and after that tournament entry for beginners is $10. Beginners play with a handicap until they’ve won prize money in a few events, and then entry fees go up to $15. Feel free to e-mail with any questions.

We also have weekend events scheduled for February and March.

Saturday, February 22nd: tables open at 1pm, then Singles starts at 2pm. Double starts at 6pm.

Friday, March 27th and Saturday March 28th: Warm-up for the Hall of Fame Classic.

Friday: tables open at 7pm, then a monster draw starts at 8pm.

Saturday: tables open at 1pm, then Singles at 2pm, and Doubles at 6pm.

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Kicking off the New Year

Bayfoos is having a great holiday season. Our potluck tournament in early December was fun and tasty, and our regular Tuesday night Monster Draw tournaments have been busy. We’ve welcomed several new players into the crew, and it’s been great to see them taking their game to the next level.

This Tuesday, December 17th, will be our last event of the year before we go into hibernation to see family, eat cheese, and dream of foosball.

We’ll kick off the New Year with a Monster Draw on Tuesday, January 7th, and then host a Saturday double header tournament on January 11th. Both events will be held at California Billiards in Fremont.

For the double header on January 11th:

  • Tables open at 1 pm
  • Singles starts at 2pm
  • Doubles starts at 6pm

For doubles, we’ll run our usual shake-n-bake format. Bring a partner if you know who you want to play with, or draw a random partner when you arrive! When a draw team plays a bring team, the draw team gets a slight advantage (either 1 or 2 points, depending on attendance and format). That’s not all: the best draw team is guaranteed at least a $50 payout.

Happy holidays, merry Christmas, and we wish you all the best of luck in the New Year!

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Bayfoos Fall Schedule

It’s been a while since I posted, summer was busy, and the back to school changes even more so. Don’t mistake the lack of blog posts for lack of playing, we’ve had several tournaments this summer, and have a good line-up planned for this fall too!

  • Tuesday nights at California Billiards: casual tournaments, skill levels ranging from beginners to pros, and lots of people in-between. Contact us at or the SF Foos FB group for details, or just come by around 7pm on a Tuesday night! Tournaments run from 8-11pm.

  • Sep 21: double header! Singles at 2pm, Doubles at 6pm.

  • Oct 12: double header! Singles at 2pm, Doubles at 6pm.

  • Nov 9: double header! Singles at 2pm, Doubles at 6pm.

  • Dec 7: Holiday Party tournament

  • Jan 11, 2025: going away party for foosball legend Phil Schlaefer.

We’re also going to come back to our series on foosball refurbishing techniques soon! Part 1 covered why foosball refurbishing is important, and part 2 covered how we measure success. Part 3 will cover the Boise FoosWorks refurbishing process. If you’ve got questions you’d like answered, drop us a line at

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July 13 Double Header

Foosball Double Header is scheduled for July 13 at California Billiards.

Tables open at 1 pm.
Open Singles at 2 pm.
Shake-n-Bake (aka Open Doubles) at 6 pm ($50 added for top draw team)
$5 table fee

Open Singles
Each match best 2/3.
More than 12 players: double elimination tournament.
12 or fewer: Swiss System for seeding, single elimination play-offs.
Entry fee:
Handicap 0: $5
Handicap 1-2: $10
Handicap 3+: $15

Bring a partner if you’ve got one, draw one if you don’t. $50 added for top draw team.

More than 12 teams: double elimination tournament.
12 or fewer: Swiss System for seeding, single elimination play-offs.

Format may be either Swiss System or Double Elimination. Bring teams will play to 6 against draw teams.
100% payout, plus $50 for top draw team.

Entry fees based on local points:
Draw side:
Handicap 0: $5
Handicap 1+: $10

Bring Side:
Handicap 0: $5
Handicap 1-2: $10
Handicap 3+: $15

Questions? e-mail

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Bayfoos Points Race – May through June

Good news folks! In 2022 we hosted a Mario Kart Style Points Race. It was a ton of fun, and we’re bringing it back. This time has more cash prizes, plus trophies. Every event we host at Cal Billiards from April 29 through June 15 qualifies. Players will accumulate points, and top finishers in each category will win prizes.

Category 3 (open to everyone): $200 in cash

Category 2 (amateur and lower): $100 in cash

Category 1 (rookie and lower): trophy + $30 free entry

You’ll get points based on your overall finish in each tournament, with 1st place and 2nd place getting bonus points. Larger turnouts also means more points.

The finish points formula will be Number of Teams – Team Finish + 1. For example, if there are 12 teams and you place 5th, you’ll receive 8 finish points (just like in Mario Kart). First place will receive 3 bonus points. Second place will receive 1 bonus point. More examples:

1st place in an 8 person event: finish points = (8 – 1 + 1) = 8, bonus points = 3, total = 11 points.

2nd place in an 8 person event: finish points = (8 – 2 + 1) = 7, bonus points = 1, total = 8 points.

3rd place in an 8 person event: finish points = (8 – 3 + 1) = 6, bonus points = 0, total = 6 points.

4th place in an 8 person event: finish points = (8 – 4+ 1) = 5, bonus points = 0, total = 5 points.

8th place in an 8 person event: finish points = (8 – 8 + 1) = 1, bonus points = 0, total = 1 point.

For Monster Draws and Singles events, we’ll be using the Number of Players as the base instead of the Number of Teams. (For example, 1st place in a 16 player monster draw would 16+3 = 19 points total.)

We don’t expect many ties at the end of 9 events, but if they do happen the tied players will split the prize. Players can compete for prizes above their category, so a category 2 player can win the category 3 prize. Players cannot win more than one prize.

More details to come. We’ll announce schedule and player categories later this week. Send us questions in the SF Foos facebook group.

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