Category Archives: News

Bay Area Foosball in February

January was a great month, we’ve had a mix of brand new players and veterans training for the IFP Hall of Fame Classic. Turnout has been fantastic, we’ve had 16-25 people at California Billiards every Tuesday night, with lots of time for practice and pick-up games as well as the tournaments. We’re going to keep it up in January.

Tables are open for practice before every event. Come by on Tuesdays from 7-8pm for coaching and pick-up games!

Tues, Jan 30, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs

Tues, Feb 6, 8-11:30pm: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs

Tues, Feb 13, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Points Race

Tues, Feb 20, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs

Sat, Feb 24: February Fever Double Header! Open Singles from 2-6pm, Shake-n-Bake Doubles from 6-11pm

Tues, Feb 27, 8-11:30pm: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs

In other news, we’ve got a WhatsApp group chat for the new players to trade tips and learn. Contact us at or the SF Foos FB group for details. We’re also working on a few blog posts discussing the finer points of foosball refurbishing, and we hope to update our New Player page soon with more advice to help folks get involved in tournament foosball. Stay tuned, there is good stuff ahead.

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Bayfoos 2024 starts off with a rattle and a bang

Our first tournament of the year was full of the unexpected. It was exciting, well attended, competitive, and definitely not the smoothest tournament we’ve ever run. Yesterday started off with unexpectedly good turnout for singles. We’re generally happy with 10-12 people, thrilled with 16, and a bit concerned if we get more than that because a 17+ player singles tournament on four tables can run slowly and be a bad experience for players.

We had 25 people. Six pros turned out, plus four brand new players from as far away as Dubai! We switched the match format from best ⅔ to race to 10, and thought that would be enough to keep the tournament on schedule but it didn’t quite work out. Our normally reliable netfoos software had problems, so we ran the event on kickertool. It turns out Kickertool doesn’t seed tournaments properly, so we ended up using paper charts to fix that. Not long after we got the tournament started there was an unexpected rain storm and roof leak that required an emergency table move. And to top it off, after the winners bracket finals one of the players had heart palpitations and needed to take a break. (He’s fine now.)

Someone started honking and setting off fireworks in a nearby parking lot. That didn’t mess with the tournament, but it definitely fit the vibe.

Even with all of that, the tournament was a success. One of the things I love about our players is how they take a little bit of foosball chaos in stride. Players were moving tables, making sure matches got started on time, and used the long breaks between playing to snack, socialize and catch up. They took a difficult situation and made it a good time.

Singles results are posted on the Bayfoos Kickertool page. Congratulations to our winners:

1st: James Castillo

2nd: Jake Barnett

3rd: Sergie Aragones

4th: Collen Cole

5th/6th: Greg Mendel

5th/6th: Nick Furci

Doubles got started about 7, only an hour delayed, but ran slowly because we were trying to wrap up the singles finals at the same time. Competition was tough, 12 teams total, with five having pro forwards who were fighting for the win. The tournament moved pretty quickly after singles wrapped up. We normally like to finish before midnight on Saturdays, but the finals wrapped up about 1 am. Finals came down to Mo and Simeon vs Greg and Charlie, with an excited audience eager to see who could bring their best game to the table after a long day of foosball. Full results are posted to netfoos. Congrats to our winners:

1st: Mo Uddin and Simeon Yep

2nd: Zeke Cervantes (of Unreal Foos fame) and Nick Furci

3rd: Greg Mendel and Charlie Baumert

4th: Gemma Mio and Jim Mackraz

Top draw team: Phil Schlaefer and Rodrigo Zamudio, taking 5th/6th.

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First tournament of 2024!

2023 has been a great year, we’ve had great tournaments almost every Tuesday, plus our Saturday double-headers have had good turnout. Our first tournament of 2024 will be Saturday, January 6, at California Billiards in Fremont.

Tables open at 1 pm, and Singles will start at 2 pm. Doubles starts at 6 pm.

– Tables open at 1 pm.
– Open Singles at 2 pm.
– Shake-n-Bake (aka Open Doubles) at 6 pm ($50 added for top draw team)

Open Singles
Get your singles game on.
Each match best 2/3.
More than 10 teams: double elimination tournament.
10 or fewer: Swiss System for seeding, single elimination play-offs.
Entry fee:
– Handicap 0: $5
– Handicap 1-2: $10
– Handicap 3+: $15

Bring a partner if you’ve got one, draw one if you don’t. $50 added for top draw team.

Format may be either Swiss System or Double Elimination. Bring teams will play to 6 against draw teams.
100% payout, plus $50 for top draw team.

Entry fees based on local points:
Draw side:
– Handicap 0: $5
– Handicap 1+: $10

Bring Side:
– Handicap 0: $5
– Handicap 1-2: $10
– Handicap 3+: $15

More details in the FB post, and feel free to e-mail or ask in the SF Foos group if you have any questions!

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Where should I play foosball in the Bay Area?

We love new players! Come hang out, play pick-ups, and join a tournament if you want some more competition.

Tuesdays: California Billiards in Fremont, tables are open from 7-8pm, and then the tournament runs from 8-11pm. We keep the tables open to allow practice and pick-up games.

Thursdays: Emporium in San Francisco. Check with the SF Foos facebook group to confirm time.

Fridays: Cuetopia in San Jose. Check with the SF Foos facebook group to confirm time.

Saturdays: California Billiards hosts a monthly tournament with singles and doubles, check the calendar for details.

Sundays: League at California Billiards from 3-6pm. E-mail to join a team.

E-mail us at or post in the SF Foos facebook group if you’d like to learn more. Looking forward to seeing you on the tables.

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Bayfoos League

Bay Area Foosball League sign-ups are now open! Get signed-up now, we’ll get you on a team, and come ready to play on Sunday, Feb 5th at 3pm.

When will league happen? Every Sunday, 3pm, usually wrapping up by 6pm.

When does the season start? First matches will be played on Sunday, Feb 5th.

Where are league matches played? California Billiards in Fremont.

How long is the season? 6-8 weeks, depending on how many people sign-up.

What skill level is required? Loving to play foosball is enough. Teams will have a mix of experienced and new players, and there will be a variety of game formats. (Many of the experienced players in the Bay Area started off playing league!)

How do teams work? League organizers will assign either three or four people per team, depending on sign-ups. We may use handicaps to keep teams balanced.

How much does league cost? $30 for the season, plus quarters for games.

Are there prizes? Trophies and bragging rights!

What about Superbowl weekend? No matches on Feb 12th (Superbowl) or Feb 19th (Moneyball in Portland). Week 2 of league will happen Feb 26th.

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