Good turnout has continued in the lead up to the IFP Hall of Fame Classic Las Vegas foosball tournament that starts on April 17. We had 11 teams for our March 23 Bring-Your-Partner tournament, and our Tuesday night events have had 20+ players. We’ll keep the energy going.
The consistently large turnouts have been a learning experience for our tournament directors. We had one night with 23 players on only four tables. There were always seven people who were waiting to play, and it was a frustrating experience. We’re making some adjustments to minimize downtime:
On large turnout nights, we will call the next round as soon as a table is free. This should let us squeeze in an extra round for everyone.
We’re looking to see if we can get space for a 5th table. This is a long shot, but we’re trying.
We’re looking for volunteers to run a tournament or league on another day of the week. Our current TDs are maxed out, but we can train new people.
On the busy nights we’ve had lots of folks chatting and spectating matches, we’re lucky to have such a friendly player base. Thank you all for welcoming new players. (If you are a new player, come on out! We would love to play with you!)
Our events for the next month will be:
Tues, Mar 26, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Points Race
Tues, Apr 2, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs
Sat, Apr 6: Vegas Warm-Up Double Header. Open Singles from 2-6pm, Shake-n-Bake Doubles from 6-11pm, plus Rookie Singles and Rookie Doubles Playoffs.
Tues, Apr 9, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs
Tues, Apr 16, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Points Race
Tues, Apr 23, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs
Tues, Apr 30, 8-11pm: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs