We’re pleased to announce the Bayfoos Summer 2021 Points Race. We’ve got over $150 in prizes lined up.
- 1st Prize: $100
- Top Expert: $50
- Top Rookie: $30 in free entry
To win, show up and play in California Billiards tournaments from July 27 through September 25th. Each time you play an event, you get one attendance point. When you win or place in an event, you get bonus points depending on how you finish.
The $100 1st prize is open to everyone. 2nd prize is $50 cash, and only players ranked Expert and under are eligible to win. The top Rookie player can win $30 in free entry. For all of the sandbagging Rookies and Experts: you can only win one prize, and your ranking for this is the higher of your IFP points and your Bayfoos points. If someone finishes top in multiple categories, they get the higher value prize; the lower value prize goes to the runner up in the category.
Event schedule will be posted soon!