We had a scare last week. A player attended a Tuesday night tournament on August 3. A few days later they weren’t feeling well. Their Covid test came back positive. We canceled the August 10 tournament, contacted everyone who had been exposed, and asked people to get tested.
Good news: vaccinations and masking seems to have stopped the spread. Nobody else who was at the tournament has gotten sick. Several of us got tested, and all of the tests came back negative.
We’re going to continue being careful at tournaments. Covid is still spreading in the Bay Area, and we want to be prepared for the next time someone gets exposed at a tournament. Here are the precautions we’re taking.
Before Tournaments
If you’re feeling sick or have had a recent positive Covid test, do not come to a tournament for at least 10 days. CDC guidelines have details about when you can end your quarantine.
If you have been in close contact with someone with Covid symptoms or a positive Covid test, follow CDC guidelines for quarantine.
If you’ve been exposed and are fully vaccinated: we recommend getting tested 3-5 days after exposure. You can still come to tournaments during this period.
If you’ve been exposed and are unvaccinated: do not come to tournaments until 14 days after your last exposure.
During Tournaments
Tournament directors will collect contact information, so that they can notify you if we do have a Covid exposure at the tournament. We recommend installing the CA Notify App to help with contact tracing.
Wear a mask. This is also a county health regulation.
Hand sanitizer is available: use it.
After Tournaments
If you start to feel sick after a tournament (even if you haven’t had a positive Covid test), let the tournament directors know immediately. We’ll notify players of the possible exposure.
If you attended a tournament where there was an exposure, follow up with your other close contacts to let them know.
Most of our players are vaccinated, so we will not automatically cancel the next week’s tournament if there was an exposure. If we do have multiple players get sick, we will cancel events until the outbreak is under control.
Thank you everyone for being cautious. We keep each other safe.