Bayfoos October Schedule

Our Colorado State Points Race standings are posted. We’ve got over $200 in prizes, and 10 events left. Event schedule:

Tues, Sep 27: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs

Tues, Oct 4: Monster Draw, Best 2/3, No Playoffs

Sat, Oct 8: Open Singles, 3 PM

Sat, Oct 8: Open Doubles, 7 PM

Tues, Oct 11: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs

Tues, Oct 18: Monster Draw, Singles Playoffs

Tues, Oct 25: Monster Draw, Best 2/3, No Playoffs

Sat, Oct 29: Open Singles, 3 PM

Sat, Oct 29: Open Doubles, 7 PM

Tues, Nov 1: Monster Draw, Doubles Playoffs

All events held at California Billiards in Fremont. Tables open at 7 pm for Tuesday events, and we start the tournament at 8 pm. Beginners and late comers always welcome. Check out SF Foos or e-mail with questions.

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